Hi, my name is Mandy, and I’m an energy mechanic.
WTF is that? Thanks for asking.

A side effect of being human is that our energy becomes misaligned, primarily (but not always) through traumas large and small. You may not even recall these traumas, but your body does. 

The impact of trauma creates misaligned, imbalanced energetic patterns in your body and/or psyche, which compound over time and can manifest as pain, heaviness, depression, “stuck” feelings, and/or disease.

My work moves and releases these energetic patterns.

Think of it like restoring your factory settings, or resetting your original blueprint: reconnecting you to the self you were born to be, before the outside world made its impact on you.

Energy isn’t woo-woo or new-agey. It’s the simplest, most logical thing on the planet: vibration. It’s literally everywhere, and it makes up everyone and everything in our universe.

But I get it: what I do is incredibly “out there” and far from the norm.  And also? It works.

My work will help you feel:

  • More lightness and ease

  • Mental and emotional clarity

  • Momentum

  • Reclamation of your body and your energy, and realignment with your intentions

My work will help you shift and transform:

  • Old, entrenched patterns of relating to yourself and the world

  • Internal stories and narratives that no longer serve you

  • Beliefs and/or blocks that have kept you “stuck”

I also offer space clearing, which can mean many different things.

Physical structures or land, just like physical bodies, hold energy. Our spaces are an extension of ourselves, so when your space is holding energy, it can have a huge effect on your physical, mental and emotional well-being. 

A space clearing will return your space to neutral. Because of your connection with the space you inhabit, a clearing is also healing for you.

How I can support you:

1:1 Energy Sessions

One-on-one work, done remotely
or in-person in Portland, OR.

energetic land clearing

Space Clearing

Energetic clearing for your home, business or land.

facilitating group breathwork class


Group breathwork classes,
online and in-person in Portland, OR.

“Mandy is an activator. She is deeply embodied in her intuition and power, and her work reflects that. Just being in her presence wakes up little sleeping or hiding parts of me.

Engaging in healing work with her through movement, energy work and breathwork has taken me so deep into myself that I’m completely changed - more courageously me. Insights that we’ve unearthed, seeds planted and energy potential activated, are coming full circle and blooming.

The containers Mandy holds are truly potent, always yummy, and they have that magical spark that can initiate the deepest healing and transformation. I’m thankful she’s living her gifts and inspiring me to do the same.”

— Katelyn G.